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Past Events
Thursday 24th June 2004
ODESeW v2.0. A framework for developing semantic web portals.
Angel Lopez-Cima
Monday 21st June 2004
IRS support for OWL-S and WSMO
Dr Farshad Hakimpour PhD, M.Sc, B.Sc
Monday 14th June 2004
ESpotter: A Domain and User Adaptation Approach for Named Entity Recognition on the Web
Jianhan Zhu
Friday 4th June 2004
Better Science Through Benchmarking: Lessons for Software Engineering
Susan Elliott Sim
Wednesday 5th May 2004
The role of user models in semantically rich applications
Dr Marek Hatala
Wednesday 31st March 2004
ConcepTool: ontology representation and reasoning beyond frames and slots
Dr Ernest Compatangelo
Friday 26th March 2004
Multimodal Representations as Basis for Cognitive Architecture Making
Professor Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran
Monday 22nd March 2004
Mental imagery, visualisation tools and team work
Dr. Marian Petre
Monday 19th January 2004
Ontological Engineering
Dr Aldo Gangemi

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