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Past Events
Wednesday 25th March 2020
Detecting subtle text manipulations: a cross-article analysis chasing the signals of media framing
Martino Mensio
Wednesday 25th March 2020
Computational argumentation methods to improve sensemaking and evidence-based reasoning in online deliberation systems
Lucas Anastasiou
Wednesday 25th March 2020
Is what you see really what you get? Improving robot sensemaking through Visual Intelligence
Agnese Chiatti
Friday 13th March 2020
Models, Code Generation, and Abstraction: A triple approach to enhance robot software development
Gianluca Bardaro
Tuesday 3rd March 2020
Promoting the Increase and Diffusion of Knowledge in India
Carl Malamud
Monday 2nd March 2020
Introduction to Holochain: a distributed framework for computing
Grace Rachmany
Thursday 6th February 2020
Circular economy assessment in the built environment: supply chain and socio-technical system
Dario Cottafava Ph.D. Candidate
Friday 22nd November 2019
Gender, emotions, biased beliefs: DIY or ask someone nice
Prof. Marina Della Giusta
Monday 18th November 2019
Design and Evaluation of Multi-party Conversational Systems
Ph.D Heloisa Candello Research Scientist

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