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Past Events
Monday 8th December 2003
The Fifth Annual Best Practice Teaching Forum Passport to Learning

Prof Gilly Salmon
Wednesday 12th November 2003
Robotics In Education RoboFesta-UK 3rd Annual Open Meeting

Tuesday 14th October 2003
A celebration of the life and achievements of the late Lord Perry, first Vice-Chancellor of The Open University who died on 16 July 2003

Monday 23rd June 2003
OU Teaching Awards Ceremony and Workshops

Prof. Brenda Gourley
Thursday 13th February 2003
'The Disappearance of the Working Class Hero' The Pavis Lecture 2003

Professor Cora Kaplan
Thursday 19th December 2002
Beagle 2 Mars Professor Colin Pillinger and key Beagle 2 team members

Professor Colin Pillinger
Wednesday 23rd January 2002
The Pavis Lecture 2002 The Media and 'The War Against Terrorism'

Yasmin Alibhai Brown, Gordon Corera, Jean Seaton, Professor Cynthia Weber
Monday 29th October 2001
Facilitated Evolution: A Bootstrapping Strategy

Doug Engelbart
Friday 21st September 2001
Keynote Lecture

Prof. Brenda Gourley
Friday 6th July 2001
Excellence in OU Teaching Case studies and examples

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