Tuesday 29th June 2004 Open Meeting for active OUSS members Additional Voluntary Contributions
Colin Busby, Joe Devlin, Eifion Morris
Friday 14th May 2004 The John Beishon Memorial Lecture "Governance and management of public bodies in the 21st century: where do we go from here?"
Christopher Price
Tuesday 20th April 2004 The 2004 Open University Teaching Awards Presentation This is the 4th Awards Presentation
Thursday 1st April 2004 The Royal Astronomical Society National Astronomy Meeting You are made of star stuff
Prof. Jocelyn Bell Burnell
Tuesday 9th March 2004 The Professional Certificate In Management Webcast For Associate Lecturers
Prof Gilly Salmon
Thursday 12th February 2004 Open meeting for active OUSS members proposed merger of OUSS with USS
Joe Devlin, Colin Busby, Eifion Morris
Wednesday 11th February 2004 Medicine and medicines: the whole person and its artefacts The Pavis Lecture 2004
Professor Marilyn Strathern
Saturday 13th December 2003 The Persistent Prison - International Perspectives - Day 2 Rethinking Crime And Punishment
Prof. Ivo Aertsen, Professor David Wilson, Dr Ren L?vy, Rob Allen
Friday 12th December 2003 The Persistent Prison - International Perspectives - Day 1 Rethinking Crime And Punishment
Prof. Brenda Gourley, Professor Clive Emsley, Professor Michael Hough, Professor Michael Jacobson, Professor Rod Morgan, Professor Pieter Spierenburg, Dr Alison Liebling, Martin Narey
Monday 8th December 2003 Open meeting for active OUSS members Potential merger of OUSS with USS
Joe Devlin, Miles Hedges, Philip Marsh
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