Tuesday 7th November 2006 CEPSAR LECTURE Science Results from the Mars Exploration Rover Mission
Prof. Steven Squyres
Thursday 2nd November 2006 RoboFesta-UK 6th Annual Open Meeting
Wednesday 1st November 2006 Inaugural Lecture Speaking, Thinking and Education
Prof David Messer
Thursday 19th October 2006 Developers Workshop Maths & Computing / IBM
Wednesday 11th October 2006 Pavis Lecture When Species Meet
Prof Donna Haraway
Wednesday 4th October 2006 Inaugural lecture Mark Fenton-O'Creevy
Prof Mark Fenton O'Creevey
Tuesday 26th September 2006 New Europe, New Energy: renewable energy for an expanded EU
Wednesday 6th September 2006 Inaugural Lecture Oral History in the UK Being an oral historian: the route from the margins to the centre
Prof Joanna Bornat
Wednesday 26th July 2006 Moodle Moot Conference
Tuesday 25th July 2006 Moodle Moot Conference
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