Mediating Change workshop
Culture, politics and climate change
This event took place on 14th May 2014 at 10:30am (09:30 GMT)
Senior figures in the science and policy community have summoned 'culture' to support action on climate change. Some view the arts and humanities as a kind of communications finishing school for the outputs of the climate change research and policy community - a cultural lubricant that might fix public and political apathy or opposition. To which some have replied 'be careful what you wish for'. The workshop will explore some of the questions, dilemmas and direct challenges that can be posed by artistic work on climate change.
Contributors to the workshop include:
Kevin Smith from the arts and activist organisation Platform. Kevin has led their campaigns against the oil industry's sponsorship of the arts
Kellie Payne, a PhD student on culture and climate change, will talk about the intense cultural activity that paralleled the peak of international political negotiations at COP15 in 2009
Robert Butler, Editor of the Economist Magazine's Intelligent Life Online, who has also led the Ashden Trust's work on culture and climate change, particularly theatre, since the mid 1990s
Mike Perry is a photographer. Increasingly his landscapes contain an underlying environmental narrative behind his painterly surfaces. His latest show, Môr Plastig, takes a forensic look at plastic detritus washed up on the west coast of Waleswhere he now lives and works.
Please email Openspace@open.ac.uk to attend this event. Refreshments will be provided.
Select from replays below.
10:30 am Presentations |
11:30 am Discussion |
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