Best Practice Criteria for Sustainable E-Learning
This event took place on 1st November 2011 at 10:30am (10:30 GMT)
10.30 - 10.40 JISC and Best Practice E-Learning Rob Bristow, Green IT Programme Manager, and Sarah Knight, E-Learning Programme Manager
10.40 - 11.10 Economic Best Practice Criteria Andrew Lane, Professor of Environmental Systems, Open University and Director, SusTeach
11.10 - 11.40 Pedagogic Best Practice Criteria Dr. Doug Clow, Lecturer in Interactive Media Development, Open University
11.40 - 12.10 Environmental Best Practice Criteria Peter James, Professor of Environmental Management, University of Bradford and Director, Virtually Sustainable
12.10 - 13.00 Moderated small group discussions
13.00 - 13.45 Lunch
13.45 - 15.15 Plenary session. Feedback from group discussion, voting on preferred criteria and reflection on outcomes
15.15 - 15.30 Tea
15.30 - 16.30 Open University Showcase E-learning initiatives and associated R&D projects such as OpenLearn, iTunesU, and YouTubeEDU
There is no charge for the event. As places are very limited cancellations after October 24th, and no shows that are not due to illness, will be charged at £50. Please book by visiting www.goodcampus.org
The webcast was open to 200 users
Click below to play the event (72 minutes) |