Gender and STEM Research Seminar
This event took place on 15th March 2011 at 10:30am (10:30 GMT)
Women and ICTs in the African context Dorothy Gordon (Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT)
Dorothy K. Gordon is the Director-General of Ghana's Advanced Information Technology Institute (AITI-KACE). She is Chair of the Commission on E-Government for the World IT Forum (WITFOR), President of the Ipv6 Forum Ghana, Africa Spokesperson for the World Summit Awards, Director, UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (IICBA) as well as a member of the Champions network of the UNGAID - UN Global Alliance on ICT for Development.
The Gendering of Scientific Biographies Professor Maureen McNeil (University of Lancaster)
Maureen McNeil is Professor of Women's Studies and Cultural Studies at Lancaster University (UK). She is based in the Institute for Women's Studies, Chair of the Centre for Science Studies and works on the Media, Culture, Genomics Project at CESAGen (Centre for Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics). Her research interests include: the gender relations of science and technology, cultural studies of technoscience, theories and narratives of reproduction.
Lunch will be provided for those wishing to stay and network after the session – please indicate if you are planning to stay for lunch so we have an idea of numbers
Email: Jenni Carr j.g.carr@open.ac.uk
The webcast was open to 200 users
Click below to play the event (127 minutes) |