UTSG 43rd Annual Conference
Day 3
This event took place on 7th January 2011 at 12:00pm (12:00 GMT)
The Universities' Transport Study Group (UTSG) aims to promote transport teaching and research and to act as a focus for those involved in these activities in universities and institutions of higher education in the UK and Ireland. Member institutions (of which there are over 50) are expected to be conducting a substantial amount of postgraduate research in the field of transport. Because such activities are often spread over several departments, each institution appoints a correspondent to disseminate and collate information. In this way over 100 departments are involved in UTSG's activities. Membership of UTSG is free and all positions on its elected executive committee are honorary. In addition to the membership from the UK and Ireland, over 70 academic institutions are represented on its list of overseas correspondents.
12.00-13.00 Bell & Galatioto Comprehensive analysis of traffic congestion over a decade to evaluate carbon emissions impacts of transport policy, followed by the award of Smeed Prize and Close
The webcast was open to 200 users
Click below to play the event (57 minutes) |