RoboFesta–UK Workshop
Embedding Robotics in the Curriculum
This event took place on 1st April 2008 at 10:00am (09:00 GMT)
Berrill Lecture Theatre, The Open University, Walton Hall Campus, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
Curriculum advisors, educators and academic researchers are meeting at the Open University on Tuesday 1st April to share experience and insights gained from pioneering efforts in robotics education, and to discuss new opportunities to embed robotics in the school curriculum.
”The revised KS3 National Curriculum due to come into force (for Year 7 at least) in September makes this discussion very timely. The thrust of the reforms is to encourage more flexibility at KS3 to allow initiatives like STEM to flourish – I think there could be a very real opportunity for robotics to be a vehicle for this.”
Torben Steeg, Curriculum Advisor to the Electronics in Schools Strategy
”I see robotics as an important part of the emerging STEM agenda in schools.”
David Barlex, Director Nuffield Design & Technology
10.00 am Welcome from Dr Ashley Green
10.05 am Torben Steeg and David Barlex “Robots and the curriculum”
10.55 am Bryan Williams “Robotics and the AQA”
11.25 am Clive Seager "Opportunities for robotics in the new Diplomas"
11.45 am Mark Walton “The robotics curriculum at Belvidere School”
12.05 pm Dave Catlin “The ten principles of Educational Robotic Applications”
12.35 pm Mike Blamires “The e-Robot project”
12.55 pm Lunch
1.45 pm Mark Harmsworth “Current robotics perspective at KS2 and 3”
2.05 pm Ian Johnston “Taking control: robotics for the new technology curriculum”
2.25 pm Adrian Marshall “Roboteers, teachers, and promoting maths and physics”
2.45 pm Rob Widger “Teacher training in MINDSTORMS”
3.05 pm Break
3.30 pm John Dobson “Bridging the gap between electronics and technology”
3.50 pm Jeffrey Johnson “Robotics education at The Open University”
4.15 pm End of web cast Discussion
5.00 pm Close |
10:00 am RoboFesta–UK Workshop Session 1 |
11:45 am RoboFesta–UK Workshop Session 2 |
1:45 pm RoboFesta–UK Workshop Session 3 |
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