Joint TLRG & CALRG Seminar Perspectives on The Learning Landscape: Research Methods to Complement the Institutional Point of View Matthew Riddle
This event took place on 28th November 2007
The Learning Landscape Project (LLP) is a research project chaired by Pro-Vice-Chancellor Melveena McKendrick with a broad remit to describe teaching and learning practices and processes in the University of Cambridge and its Colleges. During Easter term in 2007 the LLP made use of a range of methods aimed at providing a picture of student use of ICTs in their daily lives. These methods included a student survey on technology use (1923 respondents), the Experience Sampling Method, the Very Advanced Technology Method, the Cold Turkey Method, and the Movers & Shapers Method (52 participants in total).
This seminar discusses these methodologies in detail, reports on early findings and emerging themes, and presents a plan for future work.