This event took place on 31st March 2004 at 1:00pm (12:00 GMT)
Knowledge Media Institute, Berrill Building, The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, MK7 6AA
Ontologies can be better (re)used if represented as conceptual models in a reasoning environment where they can be semantically analysed.
The ConcepTool inferential ontology management system has been developed as a representation and reasoning environment that explicitly supports the modelling and the reuse of declarative knowledge. ConcepTool represents ontologies using different conceptual categories of frames, providing a range of specialised deductive services for each category.
This talk will first outline the core knowledge modelling and analysis functionalities of ConcepTool, comparing them to the ones currently available in ontology management systems with automated reasoning capabilities.
The talk will then focus on a range of current and envisaged extensions and applications of ConcepTool, such as ontology mapping, versioning, and reuse.
Visit hosted by Dr Maria Vargas-Vera
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