Coping with the complexity of pedagogical mediation in distributed learning environments: effective e-teaching and e-tutoring strategies in the web 2.0
Paula de Waal
This event took place on 20th December 2007 at 11:30am (11:30 GMT)
Knowledge Media Institute, Berrill Building, The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, MK7 6AA
The web 2.0 Scenario, when adopted as "expanded" learning environment, requires new e-tutoring models and some creativity in learning activities design. In the Open System of wikis, blogs, podcasting, rss hubs, folksonomy and multi-tagging, student-centred activities have to be properly designed in order to be relevant as learning processes. Common errors in design are the faith on "affordance" as agent of change, the lack of formative assessment strategies, and the interpretation of all kinds of immersion and social engagement as motivation to learn.
Paula de Waal will illustrate some successful activity models designed for higher education of teachers and tutors adopting web 2.0 environments, commenting the pedagogical approaches, the need of deep changes in moderation styles, and "uneasiness" management. |
The webcast was open to 100 users
Click below to play the event (59 minutes) |