Welcome and Presentations 1 - 5
This event took place on 8th December 2004 at 9:15am (09:15 GMT)
Knowledge Media Institute, Berrill Building, The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, MK7 6AA
The following presentations are covered in this replay
09:15 Welcome by John Domingue
09:30 1. Treating "shimantic web" syndrome with ontologies
Duncan Hull, Robert Stevens, Phillip Lord, Chris Wroe, and Carole Goble
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09:45 2. Agent-based Mediation in Semantic Web Service Framework
Renato de Freitas Bulcao Neto, Yathiraj Bhat Udupi, and Steve Battle
(PowerPoint Pending)
10:00 3. Orchestration of Semantic Web Services in IRS-III
Roberto Confalonieri, John Domingue and Enrico Motta
Download PowerPoint Presentation (386Kb zip file)
10:15 4. Interactive Composition of WSMO-based Semantic Web Services in IRS-III
Denilson Sell, Farshad Hakimpour, John Domingue, Enrico Motta and Roberto C. S. Pacheco
Download PowerPoint Presentation (944Kb zip file)
10:30 5. SWSDesigner: The Graphical Interface of ODESWS
Asunci?n G?mez-P?rez, Rafael Gonz?lez-Cabero and Manuel Lama
Download PowerPoint Presentation (528Kb zip file) |
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