APD Module Team Chair Event 2020 (Day 1)
This event took place on 10th March 2020
Welcome to the Module Team Chair Event 2020. This is a university-wide event for members of academic staff who are new to chairing module presentation and/or production. It will also act as a refresher event for those who have been a chair for some time, or for those returning to chairing after a break.
This year’s event focuses on supporting Module Team Chairs to develop excellent teaching leading to student success. It will enable academic staff to increase their awareness of how to engage with faculty and school needs whilst developing a vision that aligns with OU priorities.
Session 1: Working collaboratively in teams at the OU
(Dr Tim Coughlan and Dr Rob Janes)
Session 2: Professional Development for Academic Staff
(Elizabeth FitzGerald, Nashwa Ismail and Jo Parker)
Session 3: Q and A session, Sharing good practice and avoiding the pitfalls - top tips from experienced module chairs
(Diane Butler, Samantha Murphy and Chris Edwards)
Session 4: Library Support and Digital Capabilities
(Dr Hossam Kassem and Katherine Moore)
Session 5: Assessment and Feedback - How to optimise feedback to students on their assignments in order to promote motivation and engagement
(Prof. Denise Whitelock)
Session 6: Analytics for Module Teams
(Dr Simon Cross and Dr Christothea Herodotou)
(360 minutes) |