09:30 Coffee and Registration
09:45 Introduction
Teaching Excellence projects.
9:50 Creative and innovative synchronous online tuition strategies for delivering the OU Pre-registration nursing curriculum - Ruth Beretta
10:10 Monitoring E102 Exploring shared and different assumptions about the role, practices and value of monitoring – Mimi Tatlow-Golden
10:30 SRSC Education and senior advisors interventions: practice, impact and context – Chris Kubiak and Thomas Ullmann
10:50 The use of Facebook to encourage TMA submission – Sharon Mallon
11:10 – 11:30 Tea and Coffee
11:30 Cross level German day school – Helen Philips, Felicity Harper and Susan Kotschi
11:50 Training WELS students to act as PDP and ePortfolio ambassadors – Maria Luisa Perez Cavana
12:10 Working with Associate Lecturers to develop well-rounded languages graduates – Ursula Stickler and Helene Pulker
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Subject level TEF workshop: Lessons learned, next challenges.
14:45 Tea and Cake
15:00 Teaching Excellence Awards
Cath Brown
15:30 Student Awards
Joan Simons
15:55 Closing remarks / evaluation