The Concern Manipulation Environment
An Open-Source Environment for Aspect-Oriented Software Development
Harold Ossher
This event took place on 17th November 2005 at 11:00am (11:00 GMT)
Knowledge Media Institute, Berrill Building, The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, MK7 6AA
The Concern Manipulation Environment (CME) is an Eclipse open-source project aimed at supporting aspect-oriented software development across the software lifecycle. It supports working with concerns, including crosscutting concerns, as first-class entities that occur within and across artifacts of different kinds. Current CME tools support querying software, defining concerns based on queries, modeling concerns, navigating and visualizing software from multiple points of view based on concerns, and composing aspects and other concerns. Java and Ant artifacts are currently supported, and the architecture is designed to facilitate addition of new kinds of artifacts.
A key goal of the CME is to serve as an integrating platform for multiple contributors and AOSD approaches. This will allow developers to leverage the respective benefits of various approaches, and aid researchers in developing and experimenting with new approaches. The CME includes, as one of these approaches, the next stage of research and development on multi-dimensional separation of concerns and Hyper/J.
In this talk I will discuss the use of concerns across the software lifecycle, demonstrate some of the CME tools, and give a brief overview of the architecture of the CME. I will then focus on the support for composition, including recently-added support for high-level, Hyper/J-like composition.
Related Links:
Concern Manipulation Environment (CME)
Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) |
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