This event took place on 4th October 2006 at 11:30am (10:30 GMT)
Knowledge Media Institute, Berrill Building, The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, MK7 6AA
Does 80% of all data have a spatial component? What is spatiality anyway? Real geographic modelling is often not as sweet (DOLCE) as it should be. Mashups are taking over the world; why do we love them so much? And why are they so boring? We try to answer these questions by formulating what a spatial object is relatively to a given context. Further interrogations include: affordances, why do we need them? is multi-representation useful and sound? who will win the semantic web challenge? By integrating this model with Semantic Web Services, supported by IRS-III as an execution platform, and OCML ontologies as a knowledge model, we try to answer those and believe that the availability and usefulness of spatially related data can be radically improved.
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