This event took place on 12th December 2003 at 10:00am (10:00 GMT)
Berrill Lecture Theatre, The Open University, Walton Hall Campus, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
You are welcome to attend. If you plan to do so please contact Valerie Humphrey v.f.humphrey so that we can cater for places. |
9:30 am Registration and Coffee |
10:00 am Welcome and Introduction Prof. Brenda Gourley
Professor Clive Emsley |
10:30 am The Origins of the Prison Professor Pieter Spierenburg, Erasmus University, Rotterdam |
11:15 am Coffee |
11:45 am 'Penal Populism and Public Opinion' Professor Michael Hough, King?s College, University of London |
12:30 pm Lunch |
2:00 pm Prisons, Privatisation and Moral Performance Dr Alison Liebling, Institute of Criminology, Cambridge |
2:45 pm The Promise and Possibilities of Alternatives to Prison Professor Rod Morgan, HM Chief Inspector of Probation HM Chief Inspector of Probation |
3:30 pm Tea |
4:00 pm Reflections on the Prison and Prison Service in Contemporary Britain Martin Narey, Commissioner for Correctional Services, Home Office Commissioner for Correctional Services, Home Office |
4:45 pm Imprisonment in the USA: Trends and Issues Professor Michael Jacobson, John Jay College, New York |
5:30 pm Close |
6:00 pm Reception |
7:00 pm Dinner |
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