Trustworthiness or Trust?
The inaugural meeting of the Computing Research Centre
This event took place on 15th July 2004 at 11:00am (10:00 GMT)
Berrill Lecture Theatre, The Open University, Walton Hall Campus, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
Professor Onora O'Neill is an Honorary Professor in Ethics and Political Philosophy in the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Cambridge. She studied philosophy, psychology, and physiology at Oxford, and went on to complete a doctorate at Harvard. During the 1970s she taught at Columbia University, New York. In 1977 she returned to the UK and took up a post at the University of Essex; she was Professor of Philosophy there when she became Principal of Newnham College, Cambridge, in l992. In 1999 was made a life peer as Baroness O'Neill of Bengarve, and sits as a crossbencher.
Baroness O'Neill has chaired the Nuffield Council on Bioethics and the Human Genetics Advisory Commission, and she is currently chair of the Nuffield Foundation. She has been President of the Aristotelian Society, and a member of the Animal Procedures (Scientific) Committee. She delivered the popular BBC Reith Lectures in 2002 on "A Question of Trust".
The Computing Research Centre at the Open University is engaged in a research programme to investigate the development of safe, usable, and secure software-based systems. Users of such systems must be able to trust them to behave in certain ways, and the systems must be worthy of such trust. How to incorporate issues of trust and trustworthiness into software and the processes by which it is developed is a challenging research question that the Centre seeks to address.
Professor O'Neill's talk is intended to contribute to discussion of this research question, but it is primarily directed and accessible to a general audience. There will be an opportunity for the audience to ask questions and to engage and participate in the discussion.
For more information about the lecture, contact Professor Bashar Nuseibeh, at the Department of Computing.
The Centre for Computing Research is a Consortium of leading researchers from the OU Department of Computing, the Knowledge Media Institute, and the Institute of Educational Technology's UserLab and CAL Research Group. It's aim is to conduct world class computing research informed by the Open University's mission as the world leader in distance education. |
The webcast was open to 300 users
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