What is happening in a meeting?
Analyzing FlashMeetings at a micro-level. A proposed collaboration between National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan and KMi, Open University, UK
Dr. Nailah Abdullah
This event took place on 12th December 2007 at 11:30am (11:30 GMT)
Knowledge Media Institute, Berrill Building, The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, MK7 6AA
This is an introduction to a proposed collaboration between National Institute of Informatics, Japan and KMi on developing method of analysis and tools for understanding what is happening in a meeting. The long-term goal is to capitalize FlashMeeting for the field of requirement engineering. The rapidly increasing globalization of software industry creates a strong demand to achieve a better understanding of the challenges faced by multi-site software development and to study advanced technologies that successfully support collaborative activities in global software engineering. Software engineers have adopted every mainstream communication technology
such as telephone, teleconferences, email, voice mail, discussion lists, Web, instant messaging, text messaging, video conferences, voice over IP, useful at every stage of a project?s lifecycle. Their main concern during these Web meetings is for analysts to understand ?what is happening in the meeting (for example during videoconferencing meetings)?
FlashMeeting currently provides data analysis of meeting footprints. As a first step towards achieving our goal, we propose further: linking a micro-level analysis to the current data analysis provided by Flashmeeting. We retrieved two different types of naturalistic meetings as benchmark data. We focus firstly on analyzing animation meeting, closely resembling a working/design meeting.
This talk will be divided into two parts. The first part briefly introduces the problems faced by requirement engineers in Japan. The second part concerns the ongoing research with collaborating teams at KMi on analyzing animeetings highlighting the developing method and some results. |
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