25th Anniversary Celebration
This event took place on 2nd July 2004 at 10:00am (09:00 GMT)
Berrill Lecture Theatre, The Open University, Walton Hall Campus, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
The Computers and Learning Research Group (CALRG) Annual Conference provides a forum for staff and research students at the Open University to present and discuss their research and projects. The research topics usually addressed include: Computer supported collaborative learning, Evaluation, Mobile computing, Research methods, Social processes of learning with computers, Theoretical approaches, The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in subject specific education, Web-based learning environments.
This year we are having a third day after the conference to commemorate our 25th Anniversary, with invited external speakers, and this part of the conference has been made available via this webcast.
Event contact: Dr Canan Tosunoglu Blake
10:00 ? 10:15
Eileen Scanlon Welcome
10:15 ? 11:00
Mike Sharples CAL: No Simple Job
11:00 ? 11:45
Clare O?Malley Interweaving social, physical and digital interaction for learning
11:45 ? 12:30
Jenny Preece Online Communities: Research challenges in sociability and usability
12:30 ? 13:30 Lunch
13:30 ? 14:00
Eileen Scanlon Computers and Learning: retrospect and prospects
14:00 ? 14:30
Jenny Waycott and Ann Jones The use of PDAs as learning and workplace tools
14:30 ? 15:00
Gill Kirkup and Adrian Kirkwood Educational Professional Development and Open University Tutors? Use of ICT
15:00 ? 15:30 Tea
15:30 ? 16:15
Ben Shneiderman Leonardo?s Laptop: Building Creativity into Education
16:15 ? 17:00
Ann Jones and Kim Issroff Discussion and Close
Related Links:
CALRG 2004 Conference
Computers and Learning Research Group (CALRG)
Replays: |
10:00 am Eileen Scanlon Welcome |
10:15 am Mike Sharples CAL: No simple job |
11:00 am Clare O?Malley Interweaving social, physical and digital interaction for learning |
11:45 am Jenny Preece Online Communities: Research challenges in sociability and usability |
1:30 pm Eileen Scanlon Computers and Learning: retrospect and prospects |
2:00 pm Jenny Waycott and Ann Jones The use of PDAs as learning and workplace tools |
2:30 pm Gill Kirkup and Adrian Kirkwood Educational Professional Development and Open University Tutors? Use of ICT |
3:30 pm Ben Shneiderman Leonardo?s Laptop: Building Creativity into Education |
4:15 pm Ann Jones and Kim Issroff Discussion and Close |
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