This event took place on 31st October 2005 at 9:30am (09:30 GMT)
Berrill Lecture Theatre, The Open University, Walton Hall Campus, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
This Forum takes the scenarios discussion forward by looking at the future of higher education and in particular that of The Open University. Alongside this we will consider four strategic options we have been developing with our consultants Normann Partners and based on the outcomes of wide consultation within the University.
We are very fortunate to have Sir David Watson (ex Vice-Chancellor of the University of Brighton and a specialist in the history of ideas and in higher education policy) as keynote speaker. Sir David will share his thoughts on the future of higher education and the implications for the OU. There will also be a panel comprising John Fielden (CHEMS Consulting), Kieran Levis (Cortona Consulting) and George Auckland (BBC). |
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