Locating Renewables in Community Contexts
One day conference at The Open University
This event took place on 15th November 2005 at 10:30am (10:30 GMT)
Berrill Lecture Theatre, The Open University, Walton Hall Campus, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
9.30am Registration and coffee
10.30am Session 1: Renewables and Planning.
Chair: Prof. Andy Blowers (OU) Introduction
10.35am Case Study: Colin Palmer (Wind Prospect) ? Fenland Green Investments and local ownership of renewables - What mainstream developers can do to involve the public.
10.50am Planning: Dave Toke (University of Birmingham) - UK: What are key factors which influence wind power planning outcomes?
11.05am 1. Joyce Loring (ex SPRU) - How locally inspired projects utilize local social networks to improve the chances of planning consent.
11.20am 2. Sylvia Breukers (University of Amsterdam) - NIMBYism and comparisons between The Netherlands and the UK.
11.35am 3. Patrick Devine-Wright (DeMonfort University) - analysis of NIMBYism
11.50am Discussant: Andrea Davies from Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE).
12.00 Stephen Ward, Centre For Sustainable Energy: Enhancing Community Benefits from large-scale wind projects.
12.15pm Questions/Discussion.
12.45pm Buffet Lunch
2.00pm Session 2: Community Involvement.
Chair: Prof. Dave Elliott (OU)
2.05pm Intro: EU successes - Dave Toke
EU Case Studies:
2.15pm 1. Henning Holst, from North Germany, who will focus on a new locally owned 50MW project and discuss German local ownership in general.
2.30pm 2. Local ownership in Denmark: Soren Hermansen from Samsoe, Denmark- wind, biomass and solar (plus OU video- 10 mins).
2.55pm 3. Dirk Kestelen, from Germany who will talk about farmer ownership and ?burgerwindparks? in Germany.
3.10pm Questions
3.20pm Tea
3.35pm Session 3: UK Case Studies of local ownership initiatives.
Chair: Dr Dave Toke
3.35pm Paul Gipe: Overview: why we don?t need multinationals (tbc)
3.40 pm Dave Toke : The Moel Maelogen project - how local ownership helped get us planning consent, and plans to give opportunities to the public to invest in the project.
3.50pm Adam Twine: The Westmill Wind Co-operative ? the campaign for co-operative clean energy. A locally inspired project that will be owned by local people through a public share offer.
Proposals and problems:
4.05pm 1. Helen Davies: Awel Aman Tawe community co-operative proposal - where are we now?
4.20pm 2. Paul Upham: Biomass at Winkleigh ? Problems and prospects in local planning for biomass energy.
4.35pm Discussant: Georgina Wong (BWEA).
4.45pm Discussion
5.00pm END
Select one of the replays below: |
10:30 am Locating Renewables in Community Contexts Session 1 - Part 1 |
11:50 am Locating Renewables in Community Contexts Session 1 - Part 2 |
2:00 pm Locating Renewables in Community Contexts Session 2 - Part 1 |
3:35 pm Locating Renewables in Community Contexts Session 2 - Part 2 |
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