Coping with Variability
Integrating Renewables into the Electricity System
This event took place on 24th January 2006 at 10:30am (10:30 GMT)
Berrill Lecture Theatre, The Open University, Walton Hall Campus, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
Can renewable energy provide reliable power? Will it need extensive back up?
The energy available from the winds, waves, tides and the sun varies in ways which may not match variations in energy demand- sometimes there will be too much power, at other times not enough.
Is this a significant problem, or can these new sources be integrated into the grid system without the need for extensive backup or energy storage capacity?
The conference will look the technical options for reconciling the differing patterns of supply and demand.
From 9.30 Registration and coffee
10.30 Session 1: Variable Renewables and the Grid
Chair: Godfrey Boyle (OU)
10.35 Michael Laughton (Imperial College): Overview
10.55 David Milborrow (Consultant): Wind Power on the Grid
11.15 Graham Sinden (ECI, Oxford): Putting it All Together
11.35 Goran Strbac (Manchester): Discussant
11.45 Questions
12.00 Robert Gross (TPA Imperial College): UKERC Review of Intermittency Issues
12.20 Mark Barrett (Consultant) Integrated Systems Modelling
12.40 Discussion
1.00 Lunch
2.00 Session 2: Flexible Hardware
Chair: Dave Elliott (OU)
2.00 Fred Starr (Energy Centre Netherlands) Overview: The Inflexibility of Conventional Plant and Some Solutions
2.20 David Andrews (Wessex Water) The Role of Gas and Diesel Engines as Flexible Generation
2.40 Dave Toke (DESIRE project) CHP and Wind in Denmark
3.00 Discussant: Bob Everett
3.15 Discussion
3.30 Tea
3.45 Session 3: Operational Innovations
Chair: Godfrey Boyle (OU)
3.45 Dave Toke (DESIRE Project) Interactive Load Management/Prediction
4.05 Bob Everett (EERU) Small and Micro-CHP and the Informated Grid
4.25 Brian Hurley (Airtricity) Offshore Wind Grids
4.45 Discussant: David Infield (CREST)
5.00 Discussion
Close of Conference
Please select from replays below: |
10:30 am Session 1: Variable Renewables and the Grid Part One |
12:00 pm Session 1: Variable Renewables and the Grid Part Two |
2:00 pm Session 2: Flexible Hardware |
3:45 pm Session 3: Operational Innovations |
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