New Europe, New Energy:
renewable energy for an expanded EU
This event took place on 26th September 2006 at 10:00am (09:00 GMT)
Berrill Lecture Theatre, The Open University, Walton Hall Campus, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
9.30 Registration and coffee Berrill Foyer
10.00 Introduction to the day
Chair: Professor David Elliott, OU Energy
and Environment Research Unit
10.05 Opening Address
Richard Brooks, Head of Business Development, DTI 2010 Target Team
10.15 Session 1: Setting the political scene
10.15 Eryl McNally, Chair, National Energy Foundation.
10.25 Claire Ball, Assistant Director, Emerging Industries and Technology Unit, DTI
10.35 Professor Jim Skea, Director, UK Energy Research Centre
10.45 Session 2: Case Studies of RES in the New EU Member Countries
10.45 ROMANIA - Restructuring the Energy Sector in Romania
Cristian Tantareanu, Romania Centre for Promotion of Clean and Efficient Energy
10.55 LITHUANIA - Report on renewable energy in Lithuania
since accession
Marijus Franckevicius, Energy Agency
11.05 CENTRAL & EASTERN EUROPE AND TURKEY - The Role of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP)
Judit Balint, Climate Change Programme, Energy Centre for Central & Eastern Europe
11.15 CZECH REPUBLIC - Development of support system for RES-E in the Czech Republic
Jaroslav Jakubes, Enviros
11.25 Coffee
11.50 UKRAINE - Sustainable Energy Development in Ukraine
Dr.Victor Kyrylenko, British Council
12.00 POLAND - Polish sustainable energy: a country overview
Gerard Lipinski, Ministry of Economy
12.10 ESTONIA - Wind Energy in Estonia
Martin Kruus, Pakri Windpark
12.20 SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE - The Energy Community Treaty
Dr. Helene Ryding, Independent consultant
12.30 Q & A discussion
13.00 Lunch
Berrill Foyer
Afternoon Sessions
14.00 Session 3: Supporting RES in Central and Eastern Europe
Chair: John Buckley, DTI Renewable Energy Trade Promotion Service
14.05 Prospects for Renewables in the New EU Member States
Mike Rand, European Bank for Reconstruction & Development.
14.15 Case studies presented by UK Companies:
- Jacquie Berry, AEA Technology:
- Marcus Gover, Biojoule:
- Neil Atkinson, Garrad Hassan
15.00 NGO ability to influence demand for renewables
Gunnar Boye Olesen, International Network for Sustainable Energy
15.40 Coffee
16.10 Session 4: Future prospects
Discussion with Panel members
Gunnar Boye Olesen, International Network for Sustainable Energy
Claire Ball, DTI
Dr Helene Ryding, Independent Consultant
Eryl McNally, NEF
16.20 Questions to the Panel
16.55 Round up and close from the Chair
17.00 Conference end - refreshments available in foyer
17.45 Coach to Oxford for overseas delegation |
New Europe, New Energy: Part 1 |
New Europe, New Energy: Part 2 |
New Europe, New Energy: Part 3 |
New Europe, New Energy: Part 4 |
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