Moodle Moot Conference
This event took place on 26th July 2006 at 9:00am (08:00 GMT)
Berrill Lecture Theatre, The Open University, Walton Hall Campus, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
09:00 - 09:15 Conference day 2 introduction by Sean M Keogh, Founder and Organiser of MoodleMoot.
09:15 - 11:00 Keynote - Martin Dougiamas, Moodle.com - Founder and Lead Developer of Moodle.
11:30 - 12:15 Glasgow University E-Learning team - Three years of Moodling: Meandering or Mountain Climbing?
12:15 - 13:00 Tamara vanova, Anna Vanova, Masarysk university Czech Republic - You CAN teach an Old Dog New Tricks (...If you have Moodle)
14:15 - 15:00 Howard Ramsay, University of Strathclyde - Moodle masters: setting up and running Masters degrees to be run entirely at a distance.
15:15 - 15:45 Closing addresses from Martin Dougiamas and Sean Keogh. |
9:00 am Moodle Moot Conference Part 1 |
11:30 am Moodle Moot Conference Part 2 |
2:15 pm Moodle Moot Conference Part 3 |
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