This event took place on 7th November 2006 at 4:00pm (16:00 GMT)
Berrill Lecture Theatre, The Open University, Walton Hall Campus, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
Steve Squyres is the Mars Exploration Rover Principal Investigator at Cornell University and he will be giving this Lecture.
Two solar-powered rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, have been used to conduct robotic field geology on the surface of Mars. They touched down on Mars in January of 2004, and since then they have conducted extensive observations with the Athena science payloads that they both carry. The two rovers have operated for more than ten times their design lifetime, and together have traversed more than 16 km across the martian surface.
Spirit, located on the floor of Gusev crater, has made measurements on basaltic plains, and also on more ancient materials in the Columbia Hills. At Meridiani Planum, Opportunity has carried out the first outcrop-scale investigation of ancient sedimentary rocks on Mars. |
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