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The launch of The Open University's Welsh Language Scheme

This event took place on 28th October 2003 at 3:00pm (15:00 GMT)


The Open University in Wales, Regional Centre in Cardiff


An introduction in Welsh by Dr Martin Rhys, Staff Tutor in Education

A short address by Dr Heather Graham, Welsh Director

Mr John Walter-Jones, Chief Executive of the Welsh Language Board to respond

The official presentation of our Scheme to the Welsh Language Board and the receipt of our Certificate of Scheme Approval


The University's Welsh Language Scheme demonstrates the University's commitment to treating the English and Welsh languages on the basis of equality when dealing with the general public in Wales. Our Scheme sets out the measures we already have in place and those we are developing in order to meet this objective.

Our Scheme is available in electronic format (Adobe Acrobat reader required)
English version, Welsh version or a printed copy can be obtained from The Open University in Wales, 24 Cathedral Road, Cardiff, CF11 9SA.

Further information about The Open University in Wales can be found here. Cymraeg.

This event is expected to last for approximately 20 minutes

The webcast was open to 100 users

Click below to play the event (15 minutes)