This event took place on 17th November 2008 at 2:25pm (14:25 GMT)
Berrill Lecture Theatre, The Open University, Walton Hall Campus, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
Recent developments in our understanding of life in extreme environments, in exploration of our Solar System and in the detection of exoplanets have led to the real possibility of detecting life beyond the one environment where it is known to
exist, if indeed it does exist elsewhere. Four of CEPSAR’s Professors, each of whom is involved in a different way in the search for life, will present their particular views of this subject. This will be followed by a panel discussion chaired by Quentin Cooper of BBC Radio 4's Material World.
2.00 Tea/Coffee on Berrill Foyer
2.25 Open Address by Vice-Chancellor followed by four inaugural lectures
4.00 Tea/Coffee in Berrill Cafe
4.30 Panel discussion led by Quentin Cooper
5.30 Reception in Berrill Cafe
Select from replays below |
2:25 pm Open Address + Lectures |
4:30 pm Panel discussion |
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