This event took place on 17th June 2009
TELSTAR (Technology Enhanced Learning supporting STudents to achieve Academic Rigour) is a 16 month project funded under the JISC's Institutional Innovation Programme (Phase 2 - Large-scale Institutional Exemplars). The Open University Library is leading the project and working in collaboration with Open University Learning and Teaching Solutions and with RefWorks.
TELSTAR is aiming to replace MyOpenLibrary with a more robust integrated technical solution for managing library content within the the VLE (Moodle). The solution, based on RefWorks will enable the presentation of course bibliographies (including bibliographic references, links to Library databases, full-text articles and other Library resources and services) on course websites in the VLE and also within the ePortfolio system. Within the ePortfolio system end-users will be able to view their course bibliography and add their own references and resources using an interface to RefWorks. They will manipulate references and resources (for example tag them with keywords, add comments to them), share them with others and reuse them within their assignments.
The solution will be scalable and sustainable, supporting eProduction and eLearning practices, processes and systems. The Project's evaluations will focus on staff (involved in e-production and in e-learning delivery and support) and students, researchers and other end-users experience of the solution and its impact, including change management requirements.
The seminar will present an overview of the project and its progress to date. It will also include a demonstration of our walk-through models. We are using these models to gather feedback to aid the design and development of our prototypes.
Everyone is very welcome to attend but spaces are limited so please indicate your interest as soon as possible to ensure your place. Please contact Library-Promotions@open.ac.uk for bookings. Please assume that you have a place unless we contact you to say otherwise. Location maps for the Open University can be found at: www3.open.ac.uk/contact/locations.aspx. With the presenters' consent, we video record our Library seminars (including any questions during the seminar) and make them available on the internet. The seminar audience confirm their agreement to this by entering the location and attending the seminar. If you are a member of OU staff, or a full-time OU research student you can join the library-seminars mailing list and manage your subscription to it via: mail-lists.open.ac.uk
Click below to play the event (60 minutes) |