Explorations around LabSpace:
From OER content to OER community?
This event took place on 29th June 2010
This event, focused on recent developments within LabSpace (look out for the new look from 15 June onwards). So this is an event which is interesting to current LabSpace users and those who have not yet tried this for themselves. (Think of it as an OUMoodle space which you can collaborate in and share/develop/remix open educational resources within.
LabSpace complements work across themay OER projects outside the OU which have ben funeded, or taken forward as institutional initiatives within the UK HE sector. So we are delighted to offer examples from beyond the OU, including a presentation on JorumOpen - the rapidly expanding Creative Commons licensed national repository. To find out more this recent short introductory article, or explore JorumOpen. Working with the sector and with Jorum is being taken forward by SCORE (the national Support Centre for Open Resources in Education), which is sponsoring this event.
10.00 Registration and Welcome
10.10 OpenLearn developments: from content to communities
Andy Lane
10.30 Beyond LearningSpace: Sector wide OER actvity and SCORE
Chris Pegler
11.00 Introducing JorumOpen Nicola Siminson, Jorum
11.30 Tea/Coffee break
11.45 POCKET (JISC-funded OER project) and its use of LabSpace Tina Wilson Learn more about this collaboration with the University of Bolton, University of Derby and University of Exeter.
12.15 LabSpace use - from Brighton to Brazil: partners and cases Nigel Gibson, South West Learning Network and Andreia Santos, Open Learning Network OLnet These examples stretch beyond the HE sector, with examples from AL Nigel Gibson, to look at other types of collaboration that LabSpace can support, and as far afield as Brazil - as OLnet fellow Andreia will explain.
12.45 Lunch
Parallel sessions after lunch
13.30-14.45 Drop in activity for solo or guided exploration of LabSpace. Try LabSpace yourself. Expert tours and support available to advise on use of LabSpace - from starting out to advanced use (Nigel Gibson, Kiki Clark and others
13.30 LabSpace technical development. what now, what next? Jenny Gray The lead developer on LabSpace will talk about what has happened so far, and why, and what is happening in the Autumn.
14.00 Developing multiple outputs from OpenLearn OER Gerald Schmidt Would you like to create an OER which can be turned into MP3, or an ePUB ebook, or a DAISY talking book form. Gerald shows us how this will be possible from the Autumn
14.45 Plenary and feeding back - Everyone
15.00 Tea/coffee and depart
Select from replays below:
10:10 am Andy Lane |
10:30 am Chris Pegler |
11:00 am Nicola Siminson, Jorum |
11:45 am Tina Wilson |
12:15 pm Nigel Gibson |
12:30 pm Andreia Inamorato Dos Santos |
1:30 pm Jenny Gray |
2:00 pm Gerald Schmidt |