Workshop and Seminar Series 2012
Self-assessment: strategies and software to stimulate learning
This event took place on 11th June 2012 at 10:15am (09:15 GMT)
Berrill Lecture Theatre, The Open University, Walton Hall Campus, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
10:15 Welcome and introduction
Erica Morris, HEA; Steve Swithenby, eSTEeM (OU)
10:35 Perspectives and questions about self-assessment (TGM)
10:45 How does testing affect learning and retention – for good or ill?
John Kleeman, QuestionMark
11:05 Ipsative assessment: comparison with past performance
Gwyneth Hughes, IoE
11:25 Self-assessment with Certainty-Based Marking
Tony Gardner-Medwin, UCL
11:45 Break
12:00 How do students engage with assessment?
Sally Jordan, OU
12:20 Peerwise: Video (Paul Denny, NZ) & Discussion (SJ)
12:30 Introduction to posters
12:45 Lunch and Poster session
13:45 Discussion of posters
14:00 Opening up multiple choice: assessing with confidence
Jon Rosewell, OU
14:15 Getting the right students to use self-assessments
Nancy Curtin, Imperial
14:30 Self-assessment in specific disciplines: MATHS
Tim Lowe, OU
14:45 Self-assessment in specific disciplines: LANGUAGE
Maria Fernandez-Toro, OU
15:00 Break
15:15 Specific Issues in other disciplines? Open
15:25 On-going improvements in Moodle to support self-assessment
Tim Hunt, OU
15:40 Discussion: where next with self-assessment? Open |
10:15 am Session1 |
12:00 pm Session2 |
3:15 pm Sesion3 |
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