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IOP Lecture hosted by The Open University

Atom gyroscopes - exploiting quantumness of cold atoms for sensing

This event took place on 12th April 2022 at 7:30pm (18:30 GMT)
Berrill Lecture Theatre, The Open University, Walton Hall Campus, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

19:30 to 20:30: Quantum Technologies is one of the fastest-growing research sector worldwide, because of the prospect of new groundbreaking devices that can emerge from it. It includes applications such as quantum cryptography, quantum computing, or quantum sensing. I will start the talk with a brief overview of research conducted at LANL in the field of Quantum Technologies based on cold and ultracold atoms. This particular approach, also known as a cold atoms platform, exploits interactions between atoms and laser light to engineer quantum states useful for quantum sensing and quantum simulation.

Next, I will discuss in detail the currently ongoing project to develop an atom rotation sensor. There is a great need to improve the sensitivity of modern gyroscopes to enable inertial navigation systems independent of the GPS. It can be shown, that atom gyroscopes can potentially outperform modern fiber-optic-based solutions. We are developing a state-of-the-art technology that utilizes Bose-Einstein Condensate, a special wave-like state of matter, to create an atom interferometer capable of rotation sensing. I will explain the working principles and recent results in an accessible way, suitable for a non-technical audience.

While experimental and scientific efforts are surely intriguing, an opportunity to explain those complicated concepts to the broad public is even more exciting. Therefore, the last part of the talk will be dedicated to our latest outreach project: the development of a board game about quantum technologies. We are excited to announce that Quantum Enigma, the board game, will be published and available for purchase this year. The game is fun, complex enough to satisfy experienced players, and most importantly scientifically accurate. Topics covered in the first part of the talk and many more are explored in-depth in the game.

If you have any questions before or during the lecture please email them to and they will be read out to the speaker after the lecture if time allows.

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(5 minutes)