Supporting Context-Awareness and Standards Interoperability in e-Learning
A Semantic Web Service based Infrastructure
Alessio Gugliotta
This event took place on 14th March 2007 at 11:30am (11:30 GMT)
Knowledge Media Institute, Berrill Building, The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, MK7 6AA
Current technologies aimed at supporting learning goals primarily follow a data and metadata-centric paradigm aimed at providing the learner with appropriate learning content packages containing the learning process description as well as the learning resources. Whereas process metadata is usually based on a specific standard specification? like ADL SCORM or the IMS Learning Design standard ? the used learning data is specific to specific learning contexts. The allocation of learning resources ? data or services - usually is done manually at design-time of a content package. Therefore, a content package cannot consider the actual learning context since this is only known at runtime of a package respectively the learning process. These facts limit the reusability of a specific content package across different standards and contexts. To overcome these issues, this paper describes an innovative semantic web service-based approach aimed at changing this data- and metadata-based paradigm to a context-adaptive service-oriented approach following the idea of a dynamic allocation of data and services at runtime of a specific learning process. This approach enables a dynamic adaptation to specific learner needs and objectives and supports the development of abstract semantic process models which are re-usable across different contexts and metadata standards. To illustrate the application of our approach and to prove its feasibility, a prototypical application based on an initial use case scenario is provided.
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