Peer Supported Problem Solving and Mathematical Knowledge
Joe Corneli
This event took place on 29th May 2013 at 11:30am (10:30 GMT)
Knowledge Media Institute, Berrill Building, The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, MK7 6AA
My Ph. D. thesis has developed around a technological intervention intended to transform a peer produced reference resource into a peer produced learning environment. PlanetMath.org will become a mathematics practicum and laboratory for learning science. In the thesis, I develop four lines of inquiry. First, a quantitative approach, using legacy data from PlanetMath, aiming to find the factors of interaction that influence learning outcomes. Next, a qualitative, interview- and design-based approach to understand the requirements potential of PlanetMath users. Third, connections with contemporary philosophy of mathematics, media, and games situate my theory of peer learning within mathematical texts. Fourth, there is an intensive implementation and participatory design component, with which I'm "beta testing" both software and theory. Work is still in its finishing stages, but I hope to submit soon! I will leave time for discussion. |
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