MUP/PLE lecture series
: Structuration of personal learning environments. Theoretical foundations and research challenges
Marco Kalz
This event took place on 14th July 2011 at 2:00pm (13:00 GMT)
Knowledge Media Institute, Berrill Building, The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, MK7 6AA
Despite promising example implementations the amount of empirical research about the use of PLE for learning is rather small. One of the reasons for this is that the concept of PLE is still fuzzy and that there is no shared research agenda for PLE research and development.
The presentation will provide a short analysis of the current state of the art of PLE research and development. The Theory of Structuration by Anthony Giddens and successive technology oriented theories will be used to define Personal Learning Environments from a structurational perspective. PLE will be discussed in the light of self-organized learning, double-loop learning and reflection about learning. In addition the PLE will be discussed as an environment to capture learning experiences from different contexts. Current research challenges will be summarized and future research directions proposed. |
The webcast was open to 100 users
Click below to play the event (42 minutes) |