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Prolearn Summer School
Day One : Monday
This event took place on 5th June 2006 at 8:00am (07:00 GMT)

PROLEARN, the Network of Excellence in Technology Enhanced Learning for Professionals, has a Summer School in Slovenia in 2006. The school aims to foster cross-domain training and collaboration opportunities among researchers in Europe and beyond, working in the disparate fields of expertise which promote the advancement of TEL at the workplace. The programme includes lectures from leading professors in the field, trans-European tutoring, mentoring, and joint research opportunities, as well as internships with industrial partners. Additionally the school will offer practical sessions in research methodology and the basics of Technology Enhanced Learning. Advanced PhD students will be identified to present their research at the EC-TEL 2006 Conference in October in Greece.

PROLEARN Summer School

Replays available:
9:00 am Automated Metadata
Prof. Erik Duval, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
11:00 am Usability Knowledge for eLearning:
Prof. Ebba Thora Hvannberg, Computer Science Department, University of Iceland
Dr. Effie Lai-Chong Law, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich)

The webcast was open to 100 users

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