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Webcasting events around The Open University. Visit this page for Berrill Lecture Theatre events.

Past Events
Friday 6th November 2020
AstrobiologyOU Meteorites in Antarctica: Archives of Our Solar System

Wednesday 4th November 2020
AstrobiologyOU Planet in a bottle: experimental approaches to astrobiology

Tuesday 3rd November 2020
AstrobiologyOU Curation of Astromaterials at NASA Johnson Space Center past, present and future : examples from Antarctic meteorites and OSIRIS-REx

Monday 2nd November 2020
Exploring the Habitability of Mars with the Curiosity and Rosalind Franklin rovers and Orbital Missions

Wednesday 28th October 2020
Sustainability Day 2020

Thursday 15th October 2020
Reflecting on Race at The Open University

Tuesday 13th October 2020
October IOP lecture What's Quantum Technology?

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