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Webcasting events around The Open University. Visit this page for Berrill Lecture Theatre events.

Past Events
Tuesday 22nd March 2011
Nuts & Bolts of Research Day 1 (aka Methods Conference)

Prof Robert Spicer, Prof Simon Buckingham Shum
Tuesday 15th March 2011
GST Gender and STEM Research Seminar

Friday 7th January 2011
UTSG 43rd Annual Conference Day 3

Thursday 6th January 2011
UTSG 43rd Annual Conference Day 2

Wednesday 5th January 2011
UTSG 43rd Annual Conference Day 1

Tuesday 16th November 2010
A charity performance by the OU Bellydancing club

Wednesday 3rd November 2010
CWP Research seminar Enabling access to university – at university? An Australian approach

Dr Barry Hodges

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