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OU-British Neuroscience Association Seminar
Fast acting antidepressants a transformational change in modern psychiatry?
Rupert McShane

This event took place on 17th October 2018 at 11:15am (10:15 GMT)

Rupert McShane from Oxford University will be giving a BNA seminar on fast acting antidepressants, a transformational change in modern psychiatry?

About the Speaker

I am interested in treatment-resistant depression and dementia.  Clinically, I lead the Oxfordshire ECT and ketamine services and run a memory clinic.My main focus is developing policy and monitoring arrangements for rapidly acting antidepressants such as ketamine.  I led the international academic conference on Ketamine and Related Compounds for Psychiatric Disorders in March 2018.  I work on ways of optimizing the effects of ketamine and am local PI for trials of rapidly acting antidepressants.

The webcast was open to 300 users

(64 minutes)